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Creation 2022
A performance that starts from listening, building connections to one and other and the surroundings through the simple task of focusing on the sounds and movements that are produced. An ode to communication in its purest form and to the liberty of self expression. ​
A duet between body and voice.
Surrounded by spectators on all sides, Claes and Vandewalle improvise both vocal composition and dance movement, within a fluid framework of compositional tasks and tools. This demanding challenge generates a surprising and continuously transforming aural and visual landscape, which is entirely different each time the duet is performed.
As in previous work, Ine Claes experiments with strategies of disorientation and multitasking, resulting in a specific type of concentration that has the capacity to alter the experience of both time and space for the spectator, who might also feel slightly disoriented. In recent months, she carried out research into acoustic vocal looping with vocalists including Lynn Cassiers, Maja Jantar, and Justine Maxelon. In this duet she set out to further explore the potential of this technique, what it produces in the body, and how it may move the body in space.
Claes and Vandewalle remain intently attuned to their surroundings and retain a continuous connection with one another throughout the performance. Their instant composition, of both voice and movement simultaneously, results in a fascinating sense of tension and a variety of unexpected connections, disconnections, and resonances between their bodies, and between the diverse range of sounds and movements they generate.
Musical and choreographical concept, realization and performance: Ine Claes
Created & performed with: Benjamin Vandewalle
Sound design: Marc Doutrepont
Light design: Gaspar Schelck
Costumes: Frédérick Denis
Outside eye: Jan Martens
Outside ear and rehearsal assistant: Mathieu Calleja
Dramaturgy: Sara Jansen
Photography: Sara Claes
A kamikamka production / Coproduction C-TAKT, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse Occitanie, Théâtre de Vanves / Supported by Schouwburg Corso, BUDA, 0090, Musica, KAAP, GC De Rinck and Ulule crowdfunders